Friday, June 4, 2010

Guitar ruin my mind

there's something which can make me tempted to buy a GUITAR !!!! hhh although i can't play it well but i wanna learn moooore about guitar.......i'll learn you more, guitar. believe me :* well actually i have one guitar but it's too old and its voice isn't good anymore :/ and because of that i can't compose a beautiful voice so......... i wanna buy the new one so i can hear such a beautiful voice! lol :))))
this is Yamaha FG700S

Yamaha FGX730

the simple one, C390

the beautiful one, APX500

hmm total confusing. which one will i i like the last one but i'm still beginner, maybe the simple one is good for me. gaaah i don't really know much about guitar, maybe your opinion please? :p or if you guys wanna buy one of 'em for me, i don't mind :pppp lol. okay perhaps they still on my mind, i don't know when i'll meet one of 'em. and i wish i can meet one of 'em soon,lol.
see ya! wish me luck;)))