Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Senja kala itu

Ku nikmati pancaran sang surya
Yang menghanguskan gundah gulana
Serasa enggan, tuk beranjak dari sana
Alur ini, yang terus kurasa

Buyarkan segala imaji
Kokohkan asa
Genggam eratlah janji
Kepada Tuhan-Mu selama ini

Apapun itu nikmati sajalah, hati
Kau siap berlari-lari di taman mimpi kan?

Yogyakarta, 4 Oktober 2018
Sore itu duduk di rerumputan hijau, disambut hembusan angin yang melenakan, dengan alunan lagu Aku Tenang nya Fourtwnty yang terdengar sayup dari sudut kompleks Ratu Boko.
MasyaAllah, suasana Jogja.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

A story that never unravel

You are a series of story
Unspoken, hidden and blurry
Piece of written paper
Ready to be sent to a receiver


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Road to be a dentist: sayangilah pasien dan waktu

Trus baru aja aku update:
Karna suatu hari, yang biasa ngasih coklat, akan kalah sama yang ngasih seperangkat alat sholat.
Dan pasienku, bales; Aamin.
MasyaAllah. Di Amin-in sama orang yang sekedar baca,
Ini baru orang yang kuketahui mengaminkannya, belum orang lain yang ku tak tahu ternyata mengamini doaku juga 0:)

Btw jadi inget pasienku pas koas
kalau dipikir-pikir, koas itu penuh momen-momen magis
aku bisa ketemu sama abang goj*ek, yang mau jadi pasienku, dan mau bolak-balik untuk dirawat giginya
gak ada ikatan apapun, ikatan darah atau apa. Sebatas ikatan dua orang tak saling kenal yang segera sepakat begitu saja; tiba tiba aja.
Ada juga yang dengan niatannya mau membantuku menyelesaikan tugas koas ku.
Sacrifice their body, mind, money and time. Yes, definitely time. Things Allah has swore upon at.

Entah aku harus balas apa, ke semua pasien malaikat macam ini.
Ku doakan tentunya, semoga dilancarkan segala urusannya.
Aku percaya Allah insyaAllah akan balas kebaikan Anda.
Dan semakin tersadar, aku ini bukan apa-apa, siapa-siapa, gimana-gimana.
Mungkin balasan yang bisa ku kasih adalah bekerja sebaik mungkin memegang amanah dipundakku ini; sebagai dokter gigi yang mengabdi dengan tulus ikhlas ke masyarakat negeri ini.

Tangerang Selatan
16 September 2018

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Someday in June 2018

It’s the last 10 days of Ramadhan
And it’s raining
It was in the middle of the night
And the rain fell just as the tear streamed down my face
The sound of the rain falling upon the roof and the ground made my heart peace, easy, as if its problem fly away upon the sky
So does the hope upon this heart
So does the prayer that going up
It’s so beautiful

Road to be a dentist: sacred moment

April 12th, 2018

The moment where you’re back to that most serious moment of your life, the dentist national exam simulation. Suddenly it turned to be this sacred moment.
It was just a simulation, but to us, fellow dentist soon to be, it was one of legendary moment to remember. 

We’re called “Assalamualaikum calon rekan sejawat”.
And suddenly I asked myself, am I about to literally end this journey?

and then we were allowed to pray.

It was one of solemn pray session ever..... the silence almost made me burst into tears, it's so touching, all the surface of my heart

Wallahu a'lam bishawab.
La haula wala quwwata illa billah.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Check Point

Hey 14th april already. Right at this second

Been having some other roller coasters, you know.
Today has come to conclusion that I am so grateful to have the chance studying dentistry.
People may think it’s not an easy peasy thing.
But in here, I got beyond terrific experiences indeed.
First of all, my campus mostly filled with girls. So I kinda feel protected in here, in a good way.
Second of all; I learnt to rise right after I fell off.
I learnt to not fall too deep onto something.
I learnt to have some specific acceleration graphic to move on.
There’s also this particular oral test that pretty much challenging.
There’s this moment when all you have to do is smile, and just swallow what went off right in front of you.
Day by days I realized that there’s really nothing you can do to wish something change for a good reason, but trusting Almighty Allah.
Days where you’re about to meet the end of the road, you realize that you really nothing in this world. You really got no power, but coming from Allah’s.

Kalau bukan karena Allah, maka mustahil aku bisa melakukan ini semua.
Kalau bukan untuk Allah, maka aku gak akan sampai disini, aku bisa saja masih terjatuh.
Kalau bukan oleh Allah, maka aku gak akan selamat pulang pergi Serpong- Salemba.

The moment where, you know you’re at your worst day but you can’t emphasize its feeling anymore to yourself and anyone, and all you need to do is seeking for motivation from anywhere, like literally anywhere you have to rise your spirit up for no matter what.
I’ve said that I was the least convincing person. And life challenge me with that. How was I going to make my lecturers convinced of my words?
If it’s not from Allah, there’s no way I could pass that.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Lean On Him

Today I learnt about hope
That flies upon the sky
I pray
So does everyone,
who hopes something better everyday
who hopes something good even though it’s heart-rending at the first place

Hopefully we will always be given the chance to put ourselves closer to Allah, lean on him every hopes we got, let him decide, get the best from Him
I trust whatever result that may come from The Best Scenario Writer in This Life,
and will always put my trust on You

Friday, February 9, 2018

Something New

All I know is this certainty that I have The Most Justice, Who knows what suits us best.
Life is too short to curse bad things that just happened in our life.
I believe everything happens for a reason.
Better off to look at the mirror doing self-reflection.


Berawal dari curhatan tahun 2017 ini, saya akan menerjemahkannya ke bahasa Indonesia. Kayaknya ini ditulis ketika ada suatu hal yang terjadi, dan aku pikir orang pertama yang harus nenangin diri ini ketika goyah adalah diri ini sendiri. Mungkin begitulah mengapa blog ini tetap bertahan. Sebuah kumpulan frasa yang tujuannya untuk diri sendiri dulu, syukur-syukur bisa ke orang lain. Kumpulan cerita yang pada akhirnya bersifat self-motivating. Jadi, seburuk-buruknya hal buruk terjadi, ingat terus deh kata-kata macam ini:

Aku cuma tahu sebuah kepastian dimana aku punya Yang Maha Adil, Yang tahu apa yang terbaik untuk kita.
Hidup ini terlalu singkat untuk mengutuk hal-hal buruk yang baru saja terjadi pada kehidupan kita.
Aku percaya segala sesuatu terjadi karena suatu alasan.
Sudahlah, lebih baik melihat cermin melakukan refleksi diri.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Today I Learnt

I learnt about something not-today
It asked you to wait, it asked you to try harder with the whole of your heart
Check if something you do isn’t because of Almighty Allah
Today I
Learnt something about border, and choice
Where people prefer the one with the look, and left the other with different appearance
Today I learnt
About missing friend when I need them the most
It’s always been like this, maybe this is just what they feel
But let’s reflect more of what I did the other day
Prolly I could've been doing the same things too
Today I learnt about
Something that actually could ever be conducted
But aborted only because of a little tiny stone that hinders
I thought we could actually move the obstacles together
But they choose to not move a muscle
Today I learnt about a pride
Those high standards people put to some people below them
Today I also learnt about people’s trait
How a group could turn to be having the same exact basic character
Too bad the character was negative
So they spread wounds together
Little did I know they actually share a tiny lesson
Today I learnt about hope
That flies upon the sky
I pray
So does everyone
Who hopes something better everyday
Who hopes something good even though it’s devastated at the first place
Today I learnt about a wound
And not worth crying over for
Only because the culprit just want us to get it
Today I learnt
To hold onto this pole called faith
I will always have a faith on You, Ya Rabb...