Friday, June 26, 2015

Night Sky

Tonight the sky was beautiful while I was doing stargazing. There’s this half-rounded moon and some stars scatter around it. It just reminds me to that night where I was in the other side of my country.

I was at Sumbawa Island last year, around this month. Today was exactly the time where I did stargazing at the Lopok Village, West Sumbawa. It was the most beautiful night I’ve ever seen because there were like so so many stunning stars scatter around that navy-colored sky surrounded by its nicest weather there. We were hanging around the city by picked-up car, so there’s no border to see that night sky. Me and my friends were all staring at the sky….amazed by what we got at that day. We were just about to finish our project conducting dental service to the community there, the good deed I’ve been dreaming to do too. It’s more like a gift from Our Creator J What sky had offered us to see, and exhibited some enormous night view upon the sky completely made our eyes all glistened. And that made my mouth murmured, Thank You God.

Thank You for beautiful scenery that earth endlessly offers to us. Make us ease to always be grateful for what You give, even by simple thing.  

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Dear time, be my friend

Oh dear time
How could I still have a problem with you?

Things I wasn’t really proud of. Me, having a hard time in controlling my time.
I admit this was something I haven't completely overcame yet.

I guess being embarrassed was the hardest punishment I could ever get. Since it won’t be vanished

And the only way to overcome it, is to not being embarrassing, which means you can never come late, any-friggin-more!

Saturday, June 13, 2015


People say that it’d be good if we could hold the anger. It’s whole lot a hard thing to do.

The emotion...
Is easy to be unstable
Is hard to be controlled
Is somehow confusing

When I never meant to say something
But others understood not what I meant

You know that very hard feeling..
That left inconvenience
The heart that burnt
The messed up mind

Oh I wish that’d stay away from me
Or I will stride away from it