Monday, August 1, 2011

August Returns

so july gonna be end. Just like the one written in Harry Potter’s last sequel’s poster. It all ends. Harry Potter has accomplished its last sequel. So there’s no more next episode of HP unless there’s anyone smarter than JK Rowling who’s gonna continue Rowling’s path and write novel about Harry Potter’s child.

July ends. August comes, but gonna be end too. Even this whole world. All gonna be end. So does this life. But as long as we’re still here, there’s still chance to ‘write novel’. Assume it as we could draw our best-looking footprint on earth as long as it’s able. In either way, assume it as we could do anything to be a better person as long as we can.

Im about to leave my 16th of ages, soon gonna be 17. I dont know if im excited in being 17. But i’d love to be 17, absolutely. The age when teenagers are said already grown up, the age when someone could really distinguish which path of life anyone will choose, age when we could have our driver license. More ages, more experiences, more things, more stuffs, more problems, more everything. I dont expect for more problem, but how do i handle the problem i’m going to face.

Time flies. That’s what people always say. It does fly, the way it seems, not too fast and not too slow if you recognize. Sometimes people say that because they want to rewind to past moment or they are surprised after seeing the calendar which show that August is about to come. Im excited that August will begin tomorrow, more importantly is begin simultaneously with fasting month. Which i hope August gonna be as nice as i do my duty doing fasting which start tomorrow. Im not gonna miss the beautify of Ramadhan month, because it’s great to have Ramadhan in August. Oh what is so special with August? However it’s only a month. and i do expect myself to be a better person.

I think nothing these days but my dreams! I eagerly want to reach all of my target list which written on note upon my desk. I know i cant just sit down in class hearning what teachers say, but now i gotta sit down, learn it, understand it, even memorize it. I gotta make big movement. I get 5months to struggle to reach scores i wanted to reach. And now i set myself to be focus in pursuing my dreams. A total focus, not even anything left. It’s my time to emit my best efforts maximally for the sake to get what i want. if it’s not you who could make it, then who else? You could make it by your own hands. It depends on you. for the rest and the result, just put it to God.

i get plan not to think about those silly thought which wandering over my head and all the bullshit and to manage my time as study. Wish me luck, fellas ;)

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