Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wake Up

My dad all of a sudden laughed of what I was up to at that time.
He prolly couldn't imagine his daughter became this person.

My dad even couldn't imagine how the world is with me still being like this.

That was funny and tragic at the same time, actually. Funny cause he didn’t believe me that much. Tragic because my own dad –the guy that knows me better than any other guy- said I am just not good enough at such thing I couldn't explain here.

Then he told me how to be the good enough person that he meant.

The point is you can say that your world is okay and so far so good. But there are other people out there who could see and /judge/ what you’re doing (oh I hate the word judge!—but this one is positive). Those people who, let say, judge you may give some critics and advices to wake you up from the zone you thought is fine.

Yeah, wake up.
You’ll always need to wake up.

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