Tuesday, June 30, 2009


20-21 JUNE 2009

20 June 2009
Pertama kali membuka mata pagi itu subuh subuh langsung mikir today is the result!!! the result that i have waited for about 1 month. aduh ngga kuat ngetiknya sumpah, inget masa masa yang udah lewat itu keinget temen temen terus mau nangisssssssss :"""""(
okay, relax. waktu itu pagi pagi langsung siap siap sama cek cek barang yang belom masuk ke koper buat dibawa ke Lembang, Bandung untuk 2 hari. ngerasa belom cukup tidur sih tapi ya lanjut lah semoga lancar perjalanan hari ini BISMILLAH. udah sarapan dan lalalanya minta doa ke ayah sama ibu sama mastiin kalo ayah sama ibu mau dateng entar. udah gitu berangkat dianter pake ojek, udah takut gonjreng sendiri gitu ya tapi just stay cool wahaha. pertama kali sampe 85 TERCINTA ITU liat Iza ngajak bareng and then udah deh ketemu sama temen yang lain waaaaauau ♥ abis itu ketemu ria yang bilang komik conan yang dia pinjem sebanyak 22biji itu bakal dibalikin next time, soalnya gaboleh sama adeknya haha that's ok. no problem. And then, yang seharusnya ja, 7 udah berangkat dan ternyata jam 7 ada pengumuman guru guru suruh kumpul dulu di ruang pertemuan (loh) harusnya kita berangkat. and you know what? waktu itu DEG DEG AN BANGET, I'M SO WORRIED ABOUT THE RESULT. the result will be come at 10 o'clock. OK after we enter the bus, the worried begin. the worried happen in 3 hours. everytime we see the clock, watching for the time was walking.
AND, the bus's seat was 3-2 no four, sedangkan kan kita berempat. ALGI ♥ ALYN LULU GITA INDIRA. ya finally we decided to choose the last seat, paling belakang-paling pojok. OKELAH dari pada kita kepisah yegak? hehe. yaudah tu kita nikmatin aja duduk dibelakang walau temen temen gue pada ngeluh
G: Lu, dibelakang kerasa banget ya bannya muter
L: Iya ya
I: Lu, nyium bau sesuatu ngga? dibelakang bau ya
L: Iya ya
A: Lu, tuker posisi dong, sebelah gue $@^*& (bang erik&mas sendy)
L: hehe iya ya ntar gantian
G: Lu, dibelakang beda ya tempat duduknya kayanya lebih tinggi dari yg lain
L: Iya ya
I: gue pingin muntah deh Lu, mual dibelakang
L: yah jangan muntah i, tenang ntar gue kena
haha seperti begitulah tapi ya dibawa enjoy aja tapi itu keluhan keluhan itu ngangenin bangetttt gue ga akan pernah denger keluhan itu lagi :'''( itu cuma kejadian sekali :'''''( MISS YOU ALGI ♥.
AND THE TIME WAS COMING. 10 o'clock. katanya kalo jam 10 udah sampe lokasi, diumumin di lokasi, tapi kalo jam 10 masih di bus, diumumin di bus. dan itu di tol dan keluarnya masih macet. dan gita ngingetin mulu, ngajakin count down waktunya, waktu itu udah 9.59. sumpaaaah dan sebelom itu gue diem aja nenangin diri soalnya muls, takut jadi bikin sakit perut. YAAMPUN. YA ALLAH BERIKAN AKU YANG TERBAIK, THE BEST THING EVER THAT I CAN GIVE TO MY YOU AND MY PARENT, MY TEACHER AND MY FRIENDS, renungan gue :'''(.

Lazy Time

kangen banget udah lama ngga nulis blog yaampun padahal banyaaaaaaaaaak banget yang mau diungkapin ahaha cuma ya gimana ya berat banget rasanya nulis blog mungkin karna belom biasa ya haha tapi beneran banget mau ceritaaaaaa starting from A to Z. now i try to write my blog as a daily activity (haha are you sure?) ya insya Allah juga kalo sempet hehe. coba semua yang ada dipikiran gue bisa langsung ada tulisannya di blog ckck kan gausah ngetik dulu gitu haha -just a big dream.
okay remind me if i don't post anything in this blog, remind me if this blog ignored!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Hero

Heroes are people who have influenced us as a person, whether by example or by their good deeds. Who is your hero?
Hero for me is a person who can rescue me.
Hero is My Savior, My Idol, My Inspiration & My Heroin.

do you remember a song come from Mariah Carey with Hero? here they are from you, Hero

Theres a hero
If you look inside your heart
You don't have to be afraid
Of what you are
Theres an answer
If you reach into your soul
And the sorrow that you know
Will melt away

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And youll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

Its a long road
When you face the world alone
No one reaches out a hand
For you to hold
You can find love
If you search within yourself
And the emptiness you felt
Will disappear

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

Oh oooh
Lord knows
Dreams are hard to follow
But dont let anyone
Tear them away, hey yeah
Hold on
There will be tomorrow
In time
Youll find the way

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

That a hero lies in you
That a hero lies in

Monday, June 8, 2009

We need to save for a rainy day

Today and yesterday I do something as usual. Saturday I must go to Lia and that day I must do a promotion test. At first, I'm nervous to do that test but so far getting better. tapi ya ke Lia itu ga enak perjalanannya aja, apalagi musti lewatin pasar ciputat earrrr bikin bt. udah panas, macet lagi ckck musti sabar emang kalo lewat situ.
Well, I have some suggestion why we need to save for a rainy day;

In the world, we need money to buy something. With money, we can buy our needed that we need for our life. but, if we don't have money, we cannot full up our needed. so that's why we need to save for a rainy day. get money is not easy, so when we get it, it'll be better if we save the money. our savings can be used for everything. and we can get profits if we save our money.
There are reasons why we need to save for a rainy day. First, we can use our money to buy our needed in the future. we can use our saving when we really need it. although our saving is not much, but if we keep save our money continues, it can make our saving increase. Second, we can use our saving when we in the corner condition. For example; our mother was sick, and don't have enough money to pay the medicine, so we can use our saving to pay that. not only mother but also everybody who need the money for help. Third, we can control our money to buy something. it mean that we become not spendthrift and be economical. we must thought-out purchase that we should choose the important thing than unimportant one to buy. so that we more aware to not to be extravagantly. Fourth, we can use our saving for charity. we can share our happiness to underprivileged person, street children and another people who need. with charity, we can avoid be skinflint. we also can do everything positive with our saving.
In brief, we need to save for a rainy day. we can get benefits from our saving, such us to help somebody, to full up our needed, to be economical and to charity. so, lets start now. it can make a move in your live. everything can be more used if we residue our money for saving.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Friday Flavor

Today ya I have planned with my friends to play in my house. ya emang susah kalo ngajak orang buat main kerumah gue, emang deh rumah gue jauuuuh dari sekolah. jadi jarang banget orang main kerumah gue. rumah gue udah di cap kaya rumah paling jauh gitu sama temen temen, ya itu yang buat mereka jarang buat main kesini. tapi percaya deh itu cuma sugesti orang aja, sebenernya rumah gue itu deket, ya I mean ga jauh jauh amat lah, takutnya orang orang nyangkanya rumah gue jauh ke awang awang banget -__- ya thats my risk have house far far away from school sih. just enjoy it aja kalo gue, enjoy the journey and relax.
Finally Indira sama Dinda yang jadi ikut, siapa lagi yang mau? 2 orang itu aja gue udah seneng aja gitu ada temen yang mau main kerumah gue. yaaa you know lah kalo liburan gini bete pasti kalo ngga ngapangapain, dan waktu mereka dateng terobatilah rasa bete gue. ya mereka sampe sini jam 12an lah, jamnya orang mau solat jumat, sebelumnya mereka nyasar dulu lagi wahahaha emang deh ya. dan gue beliin es krim aja mereka, sebagai rasa terimakasih udah mau main hihihi. dan mulai lah kita menghabiskan waktu bersama di hari jumat. mulai dari liat video you tube; main sulap di gazebo; latihan nginep di kamar gue dan take pictures. that was so funny in this friday, they give me some flavor today.

and do you know something? kalo aja mereka ngga dateng, gue ga bakal rapiin kamar gue. waktu gue tau mau ada yang main kerumah gue-setelah gue ajakin, gue langsung rapih rapih kamar. emang kamar gue kaco banget kaya kapal pecah, bekas bekas uan tuh ya buku masih berantakan dimana mana belom meja belajarnya yang udah berdebu ckck. sekitar 2 hari sebelum mereka pada main, udah mulai beresin kamar deh total full mulai dari lemari, rak buku sampe kamar mandinya. lumayan lah jadi ada kerjaan dirumah liburan gini, daripada bolak balik ke komputer mulu. kalo aja mereka ngga main kerumah gue, gue ga bakal peduli buat rapiin kamar deh wahaha soo thankyou Indira & Dinda ♥.