Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Last Sunday Morning on March

Happy sunday humans!

This morning I had an awesome opening, something on cyber world greeting. Plus driving around and then doing sport (Y) my dad made me playing badminton. It's been long time tho I didn't meet shuttlecock. It's always great doing sport in sunday morning without thinking what's coming around tomorrow. Although I know tomorrow will always come. That means another busy weekday begin. It made meh think that 7days isn't quiet enough for student, like meh. Here I elaborate it; so 5days of week we spend at school. Plus one day for basketball practice at school on sadturday. At home I need to prepare for monday and another weekday, because there're ass-ignments and exams approaching. Besides I need some entertaining with friends either family. The matter is, if I spend my awesome weekend with fighting on my desk, How do I get some entertaining thing? Weekend supposed to be spent by hanging around somewhere not related with school. Although sunday evening must be at home and prepare for the following day, but at least I could spend the whole sat-afternoon til sunday afternoon without any thought bout school. If I were a person who doesn't really care about school, I would not be THIS care and THIS worried about the assignment or exam coming in. But it happens that I'm kind of care bout school, and I can't help myself if I got unwell-prepared things for school and got bad achieve. I gotta get achievement. well if i could just forget it, i would. one thing inside my mind why i still stand for this is, i wanna reach my dream. these all school things would be meant so much to me later, i know. we need to take this as special things because thank god you're there at school, having friends and teachers who always give you tasks, plus some sweet memories over there. this life wont be meant well if there's no school tasks.

PS: Thanks Dad for giving me some driving practice in this last 2 weeks :D

Thursday, March 17, 2011

crap, eh?

March already.

First day of holiday. Home. Feel ease at home, just the way it is. Am i supossed to go somewhere else on earth today? I’ve figured it out. Yesterday i was thinking how i spend my holiday. No idea. Or if i have an idea, i’d go somewhere alone. I mean yeah just myself. and today just hanging around this kind of mess city, pamulang. My life today were; accompanying my brother to school and then home, having a super quick bike ride and then pick another brother up and then home home and home home. I aint sick of this condition, but i can barely survive myself if i would do this to the next 6 days. i ain't expert at riding motorcycle. I’d be throwing up everyday. I mean it. Im totally sick at riding motorcycle when i don’t need to. I’m supposed to be sleeping and doing something which isn’t related with motorcycle. I mean, can i get a chance not to riding motorcycle for a while? it's good that motorcycle able to accompany me to everywhere. Yeah motorcycle becoming one of important thing in my life now. but that doesn't mean i'm locked at 'i could ride it and involve that much to it'. the matter is, people give me errands to do accompanying-and-picking something up like that and i don't want it. i need a rest out of riding. You know im kind of worried my back would be getting sick of sitting on the motorcycle, and my hand sick of handling the handle bar. How would it be?

And about the plans i’ve made with my friends.....i think i’m getting sick of it really soon. I mean it’s all mess. i'm afraid it'll end up i can’t attend anything and gonna get stuck at home. Oh i really wish i could realize the plans. I need a glimpse of refresh air out of home and glimpse of entertaining thingy out there. I need some fun, that exactly what i’m talkin about.

you'd rather ignore this crap. lol 8)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Wimpy Me

found cool link and then wimp-ed my self. here's my character. idk why i choosed that cloth, and stuff, but i'm sure enough THIS look is cool. cool-like me